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Awaken Your Natural Born Abilities,

   Amplify Your Intuition, and Unlock Your Psychic Senses to Heal Yourself and Others

Are you ready to unlock the infinite potential within you? Imagine a life free from energy blocks, overflowing with love, joy, abundance, peace, health, ultimate success, and freedom. This is not just a dream—it’s your destiny.

Join us on a transformative journey NOW.

Click Here to Enroll - Only $147


Your journey towards profound self-discovery and healing begins now. Step into your power and elevate your natural born abilities to unparalleled heights.

Increase Your Vibration Harness Your Psychic Abilities Go beyond just seeing and hearing. Experience real-time transformation, creating harmony, love, vitality, prosperity, and abundance.

Heal Yourself and Others with Your Energy

You’re not alone in feeling stuck and drained. Many of us feel like there’s a lid holding us back. Despite relying on intuition, that elusive “something” always seems just out of reach.

But what if I told you these strugles stem from energy blocks and an underutilized “Soul’s Anatomy”?

The good news is…

You’re here for a reason. This is your moment to break free.


It’s possible! I’ve witnessed countless transformations.

Click Here to Enroll - Only $147


Yes, those energy blocks can be dissolved. You don’t have to stay stuck for another second.

By mastering your energy, you can reset and manifest your desires.


Live a more aligned life Embrace the FREEDOM to CHOOSE

More love, money, health, ease—it's all within your reach.



Learn how to harness your power and continuously move towards success in love, money, purpose, health, and all areas of your life.

I have the perfect solution

   to help you make a quantum leap into your true self: Advanced Psychic Development and Energy Healing.

In this program, you will learn ancient techniques and tools to activate your energy, your natural gifts, and your psychic abilities to heal yourself and others.
Ordinary people using these tools start doing extraordinary things.

Advanced Psychic Development

  • Learn Your Primary and Secondary Psychic Gifts
  • Install and Activate Your Soul’s Anatomy
  • Grounding 2.0
  • Protect Yourself Psychically
  • Uncover Your Soul’s Purpose
  • Work with Your Highest Divine Self
  • Your Unified Fields


Energy Healing

  • Turn on and amplify your ability to feel energy
  • Learn how to clear and cleanse your aura
  • Balance and heal your chakras
  • Protect Yourself Energetically
  • Release negativity and increase positivity
  • Work with Your Warrior Helpers



owing and supporting one another Plus, you will receive 4 extra modules to help your nervous system remain stable through your transformation.

AND FOR THE BEST BONUS EVER you will receive a Free TRIAL to INNER SANCTUARY  for 1 (One) Month Membership  where you will be able to travel side by side other like minded women growing and supporting one another

Click Here to Enroll - Only $147

Modules In More Detail: 

Advanced Psychic Development

âś… Learn Your Primary and Secondary Psychic Gifts - everyone has 1 to many natural born psychic abilities. You will learn how to uncover at the bare minimum your first and second gift. Learning how to listen and asking the right questions is key.

✅Install and Activate Your Soul’s Anatomy - Secret and ancient tools that are specific to turn on your unique wisdom, power, and life force

âś…Grounding 2.0 - Staying rooted in your body allows you to thoroughly stay in charge of your energy and direct your psychic abilities in the most potent way. Grounding 2.0 is like nothing most have experienced. You will learn how to harness the Divine Energies of the Earth, Sun, and Moon

âś…Protect Yourself Psychically - When you awaken your gifts of light it becomes even more important to protect your own energy.. Activate two powerful protections that will not only help you maintain your energy but keep you strong and protected consistently

✅Uncover your Soul Purpose for this year and beyond. - Meditation to get you in touch with  the vision your Highest Divine Self has for you.

✅Work with Your Highest Divine Self- This one, when in co-creation in your life helps you gain clues into how the Universe works with you. This module is about embodiment to the greatest and most Divine aspect of you. 

✅Your Unified Fields- Working with Your Aura - Knowing about your Unified Fields will help activate your ability to master manifesting here on this earth plane and heal deeper levels of stagnant energy. Once removed you can truly embody more flow. 

Modules In More Detail: 

Energy Healing

✅Learn How To Harness the energy of the Earth, Sun, God (Source, All That is, Creator…name your God), and Moon to heal you and Others

âś…Uncover the Gifts of the Rainbow Raise to increase vibration and create immediate transformation

âś…Learn about hidden tools and animal spirits that are specific to your protection, confidence and power

âś…Learn about how to work with your chakras and how to heal them so you can quantum leap your results in healing and manifesting

âś…Go beyond Chakra work and into Your Power Centers for ultimate harmony inside and out

âś…Discover the safest way to cut cords, end spiritual agreements, and remove unwanted energies

âś…Establish energetic protections for life that help you remain safe and confident

âś…Help your Empathy be your gift and no longer your curse.

âś… Turn on your ability to recognize, feel, energy and use it to heal

âś… Establish what Divine Support To Assist you and Why

Click Here to Enroll - Only $147

A Letter from a Student...

Life is funny. You don’t know what you don’t know and perspective is a powerful thing.

When you only see through your pain and trauma it’s hard to see the beauty in life that is all around you. I had built a beautiful life for myself but I was still not fulfilled and was unable to truly enjoy my life.

I had been surviving for so long that I didn’t actually know how to thrive.

I was aware that I had traumas that weren’t healed from the past that continued to haunt me but I didn’t know where to go, what to do, or how to fix them. I only had the tools I had been using to get by and there was a disconnect between where I was and where I wanted to be. I knew when I met Janice I was in a safe space and I had finally found someone with the information and tools that I needed to shift gears. I didn’t know about parts work or about the inner child. I did know that there were things I had been avoiding dealing with because I didn’t want to go there and those same things kept me stuck in what I didn’t want.

Janice held space for me while I healed, learned, and expanded into the person I get to be today.

No one can do the work for you and it doesn’t come without challenges but when you have a mentor, a coach, a spiritual advisor, and a kind and loving soul who supports you, the process is a lot more manageable. I would not have been able to find my way on my own and truthfully I wouldn’t have wanted to or I would have already done it. I have the tools now to navigate the ups and downs in life with more ease and grace.

The work we have done together has changed my life and I will forever be grateful. The path to wholeness takes dedication and commitment and I wouldn’t change any of it because I get to live life as my authentic self and it feels amazing.
